Thursday, March 6, 2008

Meats Wrapped in Meats

So last night i was trying to come up with a new dinner so i remembered ibacon wrapped turkey i once served to me inlaws as Prego Liz and i were strolling down the meat department at smiths and on one side there was bacon and the other were steak and ding the idea was formed bacon wrapped steak Mmmmmmmmm.............. not that i needed comformation that what ever the out come of my new to me creation is that it would be great, i consulted my two carniverous eating brothers for support and i recieved two very same comments that went something like this "Meats Wrapped in Meats, I dont see the problem." So now i am left with the creative way of assembling the pork'n beef wraps. I think i shall use tooth picks as clint advised and cutting them into smaller portions as jared suggested. any other comments would be greately appreciated, i will be making this tomorrow night for Ed and i so if i dont get your comments till after then i will use them on a later date.

Prego Liz and I wont be visiting the doc till next week i think. So no up date till them however i finally had a baby dream but dont remember much of it so sorry. And Target is Target so not much to reprot on that.
until next have fun and whatever.



bluestocking23 said...

Meats on meats - why am I not surprised? :)

Hey - a little discovery today...Grandpa B's mother had a brother named Owen and a brother named Clarence. What are the odds? Now you could say its a family name!

Jayrod said...

Say it again, MEATS!!! Wraped in MEATS!!! With some gravy or other sauce to dip this heavenly gift from a cow and pig. Do you call it a Cig or a Pow? What kind of sound would that make?

AnJ. said...

........................ (Mason's helping......)You guys and your meats...What to do?

Mandy said...

Mmmnnn...bacon wrapped steak. they do that with filet mignon sometimes, fabulous!! Hope you enjoy it!