Saturday, March 8, 2008

Meats wrapped in Meats (Continued)

I took Boneless Beef Ribs cut them into smaller chunks then wapped them with smoked Bacon, then rolled them in a mesquite rub from costco the skewered them together like a kabob. then i put a glaze on the pineapple (Thanx Clint and Anj) and then skewered them aswell then through them on the babry and burnt the bottoms to a crisp. however it was kinda like burnt marshmellow meat and pinapple i know weird. any way everyone like them, o then i put some garlic bread on the grill and burnt that aswell. any way next time i will use a gas grill and perfect the tasty morsels.



AnJ. said...

Ooooo...I LOVE that pineapple. And yes, gas grills are the only way to go.

bluestocking23 said...

LOL. As long as you learn something along the way - who wouldn't? :)

Mandy said...

Oh, I love that pineapple too! Yum! Sounds really good!

Jayrod said...

I don't know if this abuse of meats should go unreported to the authorities! {:-)

Clinter B. said...

Abuse? Are you a meat-ophile?