Saturday, April 19, 2008

Check out my customer service skills

       So I have told you about my exploits as a cashier and the daily customers who like to insult me and tell me how incompetent I am. Well Friday was a bit different it started out to be a typical work day when coming close to my lunch break I was a bit tired and feeling a little sick and I had this older woman come into my line and start loading up the belt with two packs of toilet paper and about ten packs of Kleenex when I started ringing her up she sputtered out something like "O wait .............." so I said " Pardon" but got no reply so I kept on going. when she finally came up to pay she said she wanted to watch the pricing as I rang stuff up, so then she decided it was OK to just look at the receipt at the end before she paid and check the pricing. After explaining to her that I can't print a receipt until she pays for the merchandise, I tried to show her on the register screen but apparently she couldn't see close enough to see the price. She finally purchased the items and looked at the receipt and said the toilet paper is on sale for 6.96 and the receipt says it was 7.96 (I know a whopping Buck each package), so I said well the only thing I can do is send you (ten feet over) to the customer service and they can get your money back for you ( I thought it was reasonable enough) but she says to me in a huff "Well now I know why people shop at Wal-mart!" and under my breath I said "Well that's their choice" and supposedly she heard me cause she said "Yes and its my choice too" the retort rocked me to my core so I just shrugged and sent her on her way.

But in case you were wondering I didn't get into trouble and unfortunately I am still working at Target.


1 comment:

Jayrod said...

I would have told her to eat the toilet paper. And I would have given her a couple of bucks to watch!