Monday, April 14, 2008

To Dream the impossible Dream

So have any of you been witness to my awesome interpretive dream acting, you may have seen this in my room at about midnight or so while i was studying the universe behind my eye lids, and so after much study and practice I perform what some might call the driving of the crane, or the whispers of nobody being their but me and you. I'm sure that there have been many other performances that even i am not aware of any who so i have apparently brought Liz into the small audience of my theatrics let me tell you this one I'm sure you may get a kick out of it as we have.

This night wasn't like any other night i went to bed at about the same hour as usual which was about after midnight and i had a strange vivid dream that I'm sure involved me and i think Liz and who knows what. When all of the sudden in the realms of reality i started thrashing in my sleep (imagine that me moving while sleeping i know crazy right) and in my hasty Maneuvering a new witness was born i had awoken Liz. Granted she had seen other viewings but i think those were just a preparation to what she beheld that night. after my ominous movements i started to slow down and i guess there was a constricting force closing in on me so tore at suffocating membrane a through it across the room and i heard Liz shouting at me i couldn't quite understand what she was saying i thought it was "take your shirt off" so i did and that didn't seem to please her so i went for the pants again hearing "take your pans off". when it was all over i was naked and half awake and confused. when i finally realized she was saying things like "Keep your shirt on!" and "Leave your Pants on!", i soon realized my predicament. seeing as i was beaten yet again by the mysterious and sicky sand man that makes me perform for his enjoyment, i tried to reapply my pants finding it very difficult to do this feat half awake so I through my pants across the room curled up in my blanket and hit the bricks not even a stir arose the rest of the night. thank goodness!

I hope you don't have nightmares and performances yourself from reading this just remember one thing if it does happen to you think hey i hope someone is watching cause if not this is a waste of Enjoyment.

until the next Tale i am off.



Jayrod said...

Wow and I mean WOW! Poor Liz! Poor Sheets! Thanks heavens it was at least dark!

AnJ. said...

Ok. You're scaring me.

bluestocking23 said...

Liz has our complete and unending sympathy. I think I get why you guys bought that futon - it's just a wonder Liz hasn't banished you to it permanently. Wow.