Monday, August 11, 2008

MEAT is Murder, A Tastey, Tastey Murder

Hey Everyone its been awhile, the broderick family had a campout last weekend and we played ring toss golf that dad made up which was entertaining, we also had the four wheelers which were fun, we also had games and the devil cow Pila can testify to that. And extra good food, aswell as jareds Smith and Wesson .40 Pistol and my Glock .40 and my High Point .45 and we destroyed the bottles of various personages, aswell as BB Guns and a wrist rocket with paintballs, and soft air guns. and we finished the trip with a stop off at Grannys resturant and had lunch.

Liz and I are knocking on Almost 6 weeks for Chloe we are so excited everything is going great.

Until next time

Tim is Out

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Hey everyone we went to see the Arches this weekend and we made a short video with our pics, so here you go.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Coming to a family near you

just a quick note we have found that we are having a very cute baby by the name of Chloe Jade Broderick, yes its going to be a girl. Oh and we are a week ahead so the new due date is September 19, Sweet.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Check out my customer service skills

       So I have told you about my exploits as a cashier and the daily customers who like to insult me and tell me how incompetent I am. Well Friday was a bit different it started out to be a typical work day when coming close to my lunch break I was a bit tired and feeling a little sick and I had this older woman come into my line and start loading up the belt with two packs of toilet paper and about ten packs of Kleenex when I started ringing her up she sputtered out something like "O wait .............." so I said " Pardon" but got no reply so I kept on going. when she finally came up to pay she said she wanted to watch the pricing as I rang stuff up, so then she decided it was OK to just look at the receipt at the end before she paid and check the pricing. After explaining to her that I can't print a receipt until she pays for the merchandise, I tried to show her on the register screen but apparently she couldn't see close enough to see the price. She finally purchased the items and looked at the receipt and said the toilet paper is on sale for 6.96 and the receipt says it was 7.96 (I know a whopping Buck each package), so I said well the only thing I can do is send you (ten feet over) to the customer service and they can get your money back for you ( I thought it was reasonable enough) but she says to me in a huff "Well now I know why people shop at Wal-mart!" and under my breath I said "Well that's their choice" and supposedly she heard me cause she said "Yes and its my choice too" the retort rocked me to my core so I just shrugged and sent her on her way.

But in case you were wondering I didn't get into trouble and unfortunately I am still working at Target.


Monday, April 14, 2008

To Dream the impossible Dream

So have any of you been witness to my awesome interpretive dream acting, you may have seen this in my room at about midnight or so while i was studying the universe behind my eye lids, and so after much study and practice I perform what some might call the driving of the crane, or the whispers of nobody being their but me and you. I'm sure that there have been many other performances that even i am not aware of any who so i have apparently brought Liz into the small audience of my theatrics let me tell you this one I'm sure you may get a kick out of it as we have.

This night wasn't like any other night i went to bed at about the same hour as usual which was about after midnight and i had a strange vivid dream that I'm sure involved me and i think Liz and who knows what. When all of the sudden in the realms of reality i started thrashing in my sleep (imagine that me moving while sleeping i know crazy right) and in my hasty Maneuvering a new witness was born i had awoken Liz. Granted she had seen other viewings but i think those were just a preparation to what she beheld that night. after my ominous movements i started to slow down and i guess there was a constricting force closing in on me so tore at suffocating membrane a through it across the room and i heard Liz shouting at me i couldn't quite understand what she was saying i thought it was "take your shirt off" so i did and that didn't seem to please her so i went for the pants again hearing "take your pans off". when it was all over i was naked and half awake and confused. when i finally realized she was saying things like "Keep your shirt on!" and "Leave your Pants on!", i soon realized my predicament. seeing as i was beaten yet again by the mysterious and sicky sand man that makes me perform for his enjoyment, i tried to reapply my pants finding it very difficult to do this feat half awake so I through my pants across the room curled up in my blanket and hit the bricks not even a stir arose the rest of the night. thank goodness!

I hope you don't have nightmares and performances yourself from reading this just remember one thing if it does happen to you think hey i hope someone is watching cause if not this is a waste of Enjoyment.

until the next Tale i am off.


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Police at someone else's door step or car door

So i had today off, Liz and i went to do some shopping then we came home to our lovely abode, and watched some TV while we ate DQ then Liz took a nap while i played age of Mythology. so at around three we were leaving to go make her parents dinner cause yung is coming home from Korea today. anyway so we left our condo and came around the corner to find about 6-7 cop cars were surrounding another car and every Cop was out of their car with their guns drawn and ready for action. and the driver of the car was walking toward the cops with his hands on his head and the passenger was getting out with his hands in the air. that would be pretty exciting but when we first moved in the police would frequent our living establishment often any way and but other means we have decided to move cause of that and cause of the smell of smoke we get from our neighbor that some how seeps into our home and now than mini me is coming its no good for mom or the baby to stay here. just thought i would let you all know.



Saturday, March 8, 2008

Meats wrapped in Meats (Continued)

I took Boneless Beef Ribs cut them into smaller chunks then wapped them with smoked Bacon, then rolled them in a mesquite rub from costco the skewered them together like a kabob. then i put a glaze on the pineapple (Thanx Clint and Anj) and then skewered them aswell then through them on the babry and burnt the bottoms to a crisp. however it was kinda like burnt marshmellow meat and pinapple i know weird. any way everyone like them, o then i put some garlic bread on the grill and burnt that aswell. any way next time i will use a gas grill and perfect the tasty morsels.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Meats Wrapped in Meats

So last night i was trying to come up with a new dinner so i remembered ibacon wrapped turkey i once served to me inlaws as Prego Liz and i were strolling down the meat department at smiths and on one side there was bacon and the other were steak and ding the idea was formed bacon wrapped steak Mmmmmmmmm.............. not that i needed comformation that what ever the out come of my new to me creation is that it would be great, i consulted my two carniverous eating brothers for support and i recieved two very same comments that went something like this "Meats Wrapped in Meats, I dont see the problem." So now i am left with the creative way of assembling the pork'n beef wraps. I think i shall use tooth picks as clint advised and cutting them into smaller portions as jared suggested. any other comments would be greately appreciated, i will be making this tomorrow night for Ed and i so if i dont get your comments till after then i will use them on a later date.

Prego Liz and I wont be visiting the doc till next week i think. So no up date till them however i finally had a baby dream but dont remember much of it so sorry. And Target is Target so not much to reprot on that.
until next have fun and whatever.


Monday, March 3, 2008

Well isnt it about time

So I got bored this morning and wanted to find out what all the hubbub is all about with this whole Blogging thing so here i am. I also figured I could keep everyone up to date with any new developments with Prego Liz and Jr. Granted I wont Be as up to date sense We dont currently have the net. I would like to let everyone know how much Prego Liz and I are thankful for the Love and Support each of you show us. and to let each of you know how much We Love, Respect, and Support you all. yes we have choesn the names Owen Clarence if its a Boy, but every time Prego Liz and I even think of a scenerio of our future bundle of joy we have a feeling or maybe a long lost hope it to be a Girl named Chloe Jade. either way of course it will be the cutest and most loved baby ever. We are so Excited and Nervous and Definatelly stressed. But mostely excited. and to that I am off.

P.S. i nicked named Liz a.k.a. Prego Liz
